Sunday, January 31, 2010


My attempt at doing the Kitty tip (; I call it that lmfao, I dont know the name of it.
But it was pretty easy only hard part was working with GOOOOOOPY nail polish ugh I hate when nail polish gets dry ): Poo* hehe.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Day 2 of eatting filipino food :) This picture was taken at Max's of Manila in Waipahu.
My mom's Halo-Halo, I didn't take a picture of me and babe's one hah. Its all gee though :) Thanks babe for treating mom and me ^_^ iLY

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Before I left for school :)

For a step by step go to :) enjoy!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010


Had a goodnight - we'll I got mad at my boyfriend & then he went out to buy me a salad & berry smoothie from Costco ^_^ Lol.
I love how the salad comes with a lot & for so little :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


"I felt like putting on makeup today."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


This is my mom, -Obviously (; I felt like doing someone's makeup tonight & so I did.
She was the perfect model ;D hah. Had a mini photo shoot with here.
That's basically my day well besides eating pho' with my boyfriend! ^_^

Monday, January 18, 2010


This is self explanatory<3

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I've been waking up to this everyday of my life for about 16 years now.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010


We went to Goodwill today :) & My favorite item is this H&M high wasted skit for 8.99!
YES! <3
Then we went over to KuruKuru.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


A throwback taken with my FinePix of my boy-friend playing with the Filipino plastic balloon thing. I remember when I was younger my grandmother use to always bring this back from the Philippines from me and my cousin's to play with. I'd get it stuck to all of the furniture in my house... but hey I was just a kid - oh how I miss my grandma. I hope we get to see her soon!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


My new desktop*! :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I went to take my assessment test today I think I totally did not do good on the math section because I forgot to do a recap but its fine either way I'm back in school and I'm planning on doing a good good job!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Shots shots shots shots, 1 of 50+ shot glasses from my mom's collection.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


So it was my first time eating @ IHOP today hehe, it was real good! Got that special thing blueberry pancakes with egg's, hash brown, and sausages. ^_^ Then we went to the stadiums swamp meet with mom & my boyfriend today :) We bought a lot of things like that above ^^ Alvin<3Tiffany because its true (;

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I think today was one of the greatest days I've ever experienced in my life!
This photo was taken at Ko'olina Beach while me and the boyfriend were out fishing. -& Of course I photoshoped it a bit, I changed the color up and edited in the sunrise but basically everything else is natural. (; lol.
So to sum everything up about my day today Fishing in the morning, Tony Roma's @ Night, & Movies to watch Avatar in 3-D! & It was all thanks to my love!<3

Friday, January 8, 2010


The art of levitation.
This was a new trick* that I learned off of a photography website!<3
This was taken at Ricelle's house another night of relaxing and drinking with a couple of friends.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Today was me and my boyfriends 2years and a half, we didn't spend time with eachother or even get to see one another today but I still love um trough the ups and the downs.
Est: 070707 - triple 7!
& Of course I edited this picture! (;

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Because I'm feeling lucky!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Some days when I don't go out of the house I just stay home and take random pictures.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I love the new color to my room - I've never really liked the color red in my whole life but for some reason I felt like painting my walls that color. All in all I'm very content with the thought of this color being there for a veryyy long time!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Because you light up my life.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


These are the new additions to my room since it being a New Year I felt like I needed to start with everything being new in my room. These pieces rest on my night stand so I get to wake up every morning to something reflective.

Friday, January 1, 2010


New Years with the family @ The Eugenio household.
Another New Year's well spent with my family and boyfriend!
It was me and my boyfriends 3rd New Year that was spent with one another.
Oh how I love him so much! I spent the start of a new chapter with the people I love.


Project 365

People will often say that their whole lives flashed before their eyes after they experienced a traumatic event. Perhaps it’s a bit morbid, but we think that sounds pretty incredible.

When Taylor McKnight started taking a photo a day on January 1st, 2004, he never imagined the project would not only serve as a way to remember a year, but also help him understand what was important to him in his life.

Whether it was his relationships, his career, or his fashion sense, recording a photo a day for a whole year left him with a rich visual history of his life. And it made him a better photographer to boot!

Now that he’s in the middle of doing it for a second time, we asked Taylor to write about it for us. Read on for our tutorial on how and why to create your own daily photographic history.

Project 365: How to Create a Daily Photographic History

Why do it?

Taking a photo a day is a big undertaking with big payoffs. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider doing it:

* Imagine being able to look back at any day of your year and recall what you did, who you met, what you learned… (Often we find it hard to remember what we did just yesterday or even last night, let alone a whole year ago!)
* Your year-long photo album will be an amazing way to document your travels and accomplishments, your haircuts and relationships. Time moves surprisingly fast.
* Taking a photo a day will make you a better photographer. Using your camera every day will help you learn its limits. You will get better at composing your shots, you’ll start to care about lighting, and you’ll become more creative with your photography when you’re forced to come up with something new every single day.

Tips on How to Do It

Here are six tips on how to create your own Project 365:

1. Bring Your Camera Everywhere
Yes, everywhere. Get in the habit. Grocery stores, restaurants, parties, work, and school. Going to a movie theatre? Snap a pic of the flick with your phone–there are photo-ops everywhere. If you have one of those tiny tiny cameras, you have no excuse not to have it in your pocket all the time. And if you don’t? Camera phones are a great substitute.
2. Make Posting Easy
You can install blog software like Movable Type or Wordpress on your own site and create an entry for each photo, but for true ease of use, try a photo sharing site. Flickr will let you post a week’s worth of photos in 2 minutes flat, and fotolog and are geared toward a photo-a-day workflow. Making it fast and easy means you’re much more likely to do it.
3. Vary Your Themes
Try to capture the day’s events in a single photo. Perform photographic experiments. Take a photo of someone new you meet, something you ate for the first time, or something you just learned how to do. Take a photo of something that made you smile. And don’t forget to take a photo of yourself at least once a month so you can remember how you’ve changed, too.
4. Tell a Story
Use your blog entry, or your photo description, to explain what’s going on in each day’s photograph. How good did that dinner taste? What made you want to take a photo of that stranger? It’ll help you remember down the road, and it gives friends following along a better appreciation of why you took the photo you did. You don’t need to write a lot, just enough to add some color.
5. Don’t Stop, No Matter What
This is perhaps the most important tip of all. You will get tired of taking a photo every single day. Some days, you will consider giving up. Don’t. The end result is worth the effort. Remind yourself why you wanted to do it in first place.

There will be times you’ll think there’s nothing interesting left to take a photo of, and times you’ll think you didn’t do anything exciting enough to take a photo of. There’s always a great photo to be made.

Get out of the house and take a walk. Or stay inside and look around. Take a photo of something important to you. Take a photo of the inside of your house so you can see how your taste has changed over the years. Take a photo of anything, just don’t stop.

N.b. It helps if you’ve told your friends about the project and asked them to follow along. Their encouragement will keep you going!
6. Post early, post often
Plan on going through and posting your photos at least once a week so you don’t get backlogged and feel overwhelmed. Ideally, post every day or two. Again, spend the time up front to make sure it’s quick and easy to post. It’ll make all the difference.